Implement Safe Handling And Packing Techniques For Hazardous Materials

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Implement Safe Handling And Packing Techniques For Hazardous Materials

25 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If potentially hazardous materials are occasionally shipped to some of your clients, it is imperative that the employees who work in your shipping department are aware of the safety standards that you have imposed. Security measures will prevent accidental leaks and will eliminate injuries to the recipients of the products.

Implement Quality Control Procedures

If you sell products that were purchased from a vendor, inspecting the condition of the items is crucial. The workers in your receiving department are responsible for opening up packaging that contains products that were ordered and visually inspecting and counting the items, prior to logging any information into your computer system or receiving journal.

If a product is damaged, it should not be added to your inventory. Instead, the person who has inspected it should contact the vendor to relay information about the problem. Damaged merchandise which contains hazardous ingredients should be disposed of in a hazardous waste receptacle.

Set Rules For Products That Are Manufactured Onsite

If products are manufactured inside of your business and some of these items contain flammable liquids or toxic chemicals that could be harmful if ingested or swallowed, ensure that your workers are wearing gloves and respirators when handling the materials. Finished products need to be labeled with cautionary information and should be packed properly.

All federal guidelines that pertain to packaging hazardous materials must be upheld. The federal guidelines cover the type of shipping containers that need to be used and the number of hazardous units that can be placed inside of each container.

To prevent shifting inside of a container, plenty of loose packing materials should be used to stabilize the products that are being shipped. All packages need to be placed in a cool, dry area, prior to being moved to a cargo area where the packages will be loaded onto a truck that is being used for transportation purposes. If your workers haven't been equipped with extensive safety training techniques, provide them with a detailed lecture, which includes handouts that highlight some of the steps that you have discussed with them.

After training has been provided, it is your duty to monitor your employees' progress and to verbalize any issues that you have witnessed. A material safety and handling data sheet needs to be enclosed with each shipment. This information will alert the recipient of what is inside of a package so that care is taken when opening and handling a product.